Gertrude is still not happy sharing her piglets with viewing visitors. Complying with her wishes we haven't been able to take photos. Keeping our intrusions brief, food water a quick clean up and refresh of straw.
Hopefully we will be able to get photo's soon. Her piglets have some very unusual markings In particular one which has a white bottom and back legs!
three little piggies
on arrival
Saturday, July 30, 2011
I Can Fly....Not Quite
The Goslings are also enjoying time out of their pen. We Started with 5 minutes supervision building up until they have an hour or so free time.
After Bertha and piglets were settled we enjoyed a cup of tea and a mars bar in the company of the goslings. Already they are developing personalities although we don't know the goose from the gander.
After Bertha and piglets were settled we enjoyed a cup of tea and a mars bar in the company of the goslings. Already they are developing personalities although we don't know the goose from the gander.
Meeting the Neighbours
Today we walked Bertha and piglets to their pen in the field. just a slow walk, taking our time, at Bertha's pace. Piglets did awfully well. First there were some familiar sights, smells and sounds from their daily constitutional. Then Grass, lots of it. Not just little patches but everywhere as far as the eye can see. Before long the confident little piglets abound with adventure in their soul broke through the stock fence into the field full of cows. Try as we could they would not come back. Then Bertha with a firm grunt, commanded their attention and were soon part of the procession straight into their new pen.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Twelve squeeky piglets
Bloody hell Gertrude where were you hiding all those piglets. 12 Healthy piglets were born last night between 7.30 and 11.05, unfortunately number 13 arrived a long time later stillborn. Mother and piglets are doing very well. She is a very protective mother and isn't keen on visitors at the moment. Once again Jane was a marvellous midwife, intuitively knowing when to step in and when to leave well alone. Whereas I was only capable of providing towels and cups of coffee whilst pacing up and down outside the maternity suite smoking!
Monday, July 25, 2011
First day out
It has been getting a bit stir crazy in the maternity suite. The piglets certainly seem ready for nursery if not pig school. It has been a nightmare for Bertha keeping them occupied and under control whilst restless Gertrude is next door preparing for her delivery. So the tenacious ten accompanied mum for her afternoon constitutional today. They inspected every inch of the yard, finding mum's treat of plum's most delicious. Me thinks we may be dealing with some upset tummies tommorrow!
For the first time the piglets stayed still long enough with them all in a position so I could identify which sex they are. Bertha had 4 girls and 6 boys
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Goosey Goosey Gander
I almost forgot to take photo's of the goslings. I've spent so much time in pigland lately, although I do try to take them on a daily walk. Today they were allowed longer outside their pen, practising being free range. They said hello to the cows and chomped on lots of lovely fresh grass.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Ginger chicks rule
Cilla Black |
Anyone with an association with a red head will know that this statement is true. Our busy weekend didn't only involve the delivery of piglets. We also had a delivery of goslings and chicks. The chicks are mainly welsommers, to replace the ones I lost last year, also included a few light suffolks and a few buff orpingtons. The buff orpington are now known as ginger chicks. The leader has been given the name Cilla Black due to her forward personality.
Berthas Ten
Bertha's ten all together after the successful re-introduction of the flight commander. He had shortened tendons when he was born and the vet put splints on him immediately afterwards. I took them off on Thursday and was relieved to find that his legs had straightened in such a short time. I was however anxious regarding his outcome. Bertha had rejected him with the splints and although he had had his first feeds from mum he had been hand fed since. (Hourly feeds, oh the joys). Once we new his legs were fine we began to make plans for the re-introduction. Swapping smells, timing feeds we marked him with an x. When the time was right I left Jane 'to get on with it' and with a bit of jiggery pokery magic stuff he was accepted by siblings and by the next feed by mum too.
This morning his x had gone, he is back with his large happy family.
This morning his x had gone, he is back with his large happy family.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Happy Berthaday
I awoke a little after 4 to discover that Bertha had already gone into labour. I frantically rang Jane who arrived very quickly. Bertha had produced 4 piglets, all looking healthy and number 5 and 6 came in succession only a minute apart. Then things became difficult. She took a long time to produce a mass of placenta's and was becoming tired but after a break 7 and 8 made their way into the world. Yet she still didnt seem to be finished. She laboured on and she was weakening, she was not expelling any placentas and her contractions were diminishing number 9 was stuck. No matter how hard Bertha tried, in her weakeneing state, she required assistance. Jane gently felt inside and on the next contraction as Bertha pushed Jane gently pulled. We were expecting the worst. Number 9 coughed and spluttered, latched on to mum, another healthy piglet. We waited what seemed an eternity for number 10 and again we were not expecting a positive outcome. Again a little cough and spluttering it latched on. How lucky is that 10 healthy live piglets. But Bertha was weak she was no longer having contractions and she still hadn't expelled the placenta's. After waiting and watching we decided tocall the vet who evacuted one manually and gave her an injection and soon after she released the rest. Leaving Bertha and piglets alone we retired to this happy picture
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